Thursday, March 12, 2009

How paralympians in the Special Olmpic Stories overcome their obstacles to take part in sports

What i think :I think that they represent the YOG value of Excellence.As they are excellent persevering,aiming towards their goals and able to participate in some sports games(while some of us who are able bodied, are not even half as good them).
Ans:Well, simply by persevering. But actions speak louder that words and it certainly is not as easy as it sounds.Here's what a paralympian thinks about What it means to be a Paralympian:To be a Paralympian it takes more than hard work and dedication to training. It takes passion and devotion to those that you love. It takes modesty and pride in wearing a sweet graphically designed prosthetic. It takes confidence but not arrogance. But most of all it takes the willingness to learn and awareness of your surroundings.{Adapted from:}

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