Friday, August 28, 2009


Ching Beng Ray
(Video 3)

1.Suggest the possible options you will do.
Decide not to do
To cheat in exams.
Taking the items in the store for free.
Lying to parents.
Playing the game overnight.

Decide to do
Not to cheat and reporting the guy in the toilet
limit myself in playing the game console.
Not to lie to my parents and go to school.
Study on the book.

2.What factor do you think would affect your decision

Decide not to do
Thinking about how would I feel if others
cheated on me.
How would I feel if others stole my things.

Decide to do
Not wanting others to lie to me.
Not wanting my things to get stolen.
Not wanting to get cheated on.

3.What do you think would be the consequences of your decisions?
Did not do
Get a zero as punishment.
Get scolded by parents.

Did do
Pass the exam as a reward.
Get complemented by parents.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what have i learnt today

the meaning of moment of a force. the SI unit of moment and the type of moments.

Monday, April 13, 2009




Helping a friend is in deed a good deed but helping an opponent, who is competing with you is tough. You need to know if the person really neeed help and we should consider to help the person. There was an Olympic event whereby a competitor showed good views of the value, friendship. While struggling his way through from his second place position, the first placed competitor had some leg craps and pulled himself from first place. The second placed competitor gave up his silver medal to help his opponent.

I cannot imagine a world without my would be very boring as there would be nobody to talk to,and life would also be very difficult as there would also be nobody to help you to do things,you would have everything burdened on your shoulders,which is very stressful,and no normal human being can withstand everything burdened on their shoulders without any moral support.



Monday, April 6, 2009

1st draft[Friendship]

Friendship.I wonder whether winning the race is more important or saving a friend is more important to an Olympian.For instance,if you were running a marathon race,and a friend of yours, from another country, which is also completing in the race,is running abreast with you and both of you happen to be in the lead. but suddenly,your friend faints and the chase group is also catching up with you.Would you carry him to the first-aiders,and lose the race,or would you carry on with the race and win?Now, think of it, you have been training very hard day and day for this,are you going to give it up just like that?Most people would say (or may be everyone) will say that the Olympian would give up the race and save his friend as he is disciplined/trained with the value of friendship,but some would choose to do otherwise.

Friday, March 27, 2009

what efforts did singapore use to make it the place where YOG is going to be hosted?

Singapore has budgetted about US$30 million to be spent on YOG and this amount must be relatively small compared to the Beijing Olympics. Singapore does not have to build many new sports facilities because our existing ones can be used with some upgrading and refurbishment. And they are within close proximity with one another.

For example, the swimming competitions will take place in the Singapore Sports School which has two Olympic sized pools. Diving events, however, will be held elsewhere, perhaps at Toa Payoh. Unfortunately Singapore does not have a tradition for diving.

We have a number of outdoor stadiums for athletics, soccer, hockey, etc, and more seats can be added just as they will do so for the swimming events at the SSS. And I'm sure the indoor stadiums such as the Singapore Indoor Stadium (a favourite with badminton fans for BWF SS matches) and the Toa Payoh Sports Hall will come in handy for indoor games and sports such as gymnastics. It will even be a bonus if our beautiful Sports Hub in Kallang can be completed in time, but I doubt it .

However for events such as equestrian and possibly "indoor" cycling, we need to build new venues, which of course will not go to waste but become additional sports for our own athletes after the games.

Suffice it to say we expect about 3,200 athletes from age 14-18 to compete in 26 sports. And to house these athletes and the foreign officials (totalling about 5,000), the old Warren 9-hole golf course at Dover Road will be converted into a beautiful and family-like NUS (National University of Singapore) campus in time to house our visitors before being used by the NUS.

On the economy side, our SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises) are reported to be able to do more business especially with the foreign brand names which may need local content and knowledge of the marketplace. Of course the tourism industry will benefit directly.

Now if we could earn income from the media, especially satellite/TV rights, our bottom line will not be that bad.

Particularly so when the facilities could be used by our own athletes for their further development and future income could be earned if Singapore could establish a name for itself as an efficient organiser for huge sporting events. That will make Singapore an excellent sporting hub for the region and beyond. After all, we already have an excellent infrastructure for locals and visitors alike.

This YOG opportunity will provide us a chance to bring our services and facilities to a higher level, with the entire nation benefiting from it, both materially and intangibly.{Adapted from:}

Thursday, March 19, 2009

pictures of the recent olympics


Steroids in Olympics are banned. They are banned otherwise too. Only prescription for patients of a specific disease which requires steroid therapy can get steroids. Else, it is a crime to buy steroids.Anabolic steroids are very famous amongst athletes for their muscle development due to ingestion protein retention. It is famously marketed with the name of Anavar. Another famous name is Deca Durabolin. The chemical compound nandrolone is given the name of Deca Durabolin by Organon.

Deca Durabolin is very mild in nature and comes in suspension form. Due to its mild nature it is very suitable for the beginners. It holds the qualities of anabolic steroids. The effectiveness remains in the body for longer period; approximately 2 to 4 weeks. It is quite effective with a single injection.


pictures of the past olymipics


The modern Olympic ideals differ dramatically from the way the games were actually played in ancient Greece, says a University of Maryland classicist who has heavily researched the Olympic past. The ancient games featured professionals with a “winning is everything” philosophy.
ah,a picture
rance.some-what like the story at my last post on the blog, but the runner is not handicaped so the level of perseverance may not be as high as one of the Paralympians.{ADAPTED FROM:}