Monday, April 13, 2009




Helping a friend is in deed a good deed but helping an opponent, who is competing with you is tough. You need to know if the person really neeed help and we should consider to help the person. There was an Olympic event whereby a competitor showed good views of the value, friendship. While struggling his way through from his second place position, the first placed competitor had some leg craps and pulled himself from first place. The second placed competitor gave up his silver medal to help his opponent.

I cannot imagine a world without my would be very boring as there would be nobody to talk to,and life would also be very difficult as there would also be nobody to help you to do things,you would have everything burdened on your shoulders,which is very stressful,and no normal human being can withstand everything burdened on their shoulders without any moral support.



Monday, April 6, 2009

1st draft[Friendship]

Friendship.I wonder whether winning the race is more important or saving a friend is more important to an Olympian.For instance,if you were running a marathon race,and a friend of yours, from another country, which is also completing in the race,is running abreast with you and both of you happen to be in the lead. but suddenly,your friend faints and the chase group is also catching up with you.Would you carry him to the first-aiders,and lose the race,or would you carry on with the race and win?Now, think of it, you have been training very hard day and day for this,are you going to give it up just like that?Most people would say (or may be everyone) will say that the Olympian would give up the race and save his friend as he is disciplined/trained with the value of friendship,but some would choose to do otherwise.