Friday, February 20, 2009

1 extra thing that i learnt from posting down these 3 posts (in the process)

i had posted these three posts before the due time given to me. Although i will get marks taken away, but i think that it is worth it as before this, i was at a scouts camp skid rehearsal. then it ended at around 8.30. i would still be late even at the speed of a lightyear.But, SO WHAT?
  • I enjoyed my time with my fellow scouts and ventures
  • i only got a few marks taken away.(which will affect me yes, but that does not matter)
and also, in life, when you want something, you may have to sacrifice something else before you can get it.

1 thing that i know about about my friend

=the answer is obvious to all. HIS/HER birth date
PS (and i hope that you would not mind that i added a little maths into the previous three posts)

2 things i can apply to my life

= sign language?
=noting when to have a birthday "bash" for my friends

3 things i have learnt

= i learnt many people's birthdays
= i learnt how to communicate with other people without using my voice
= i learnt how to make a lesson interesting to students

Thursday, February 5, 2009

what do i want to learn more about this chapter??

there is still not a questions that intrigues my mind right now, but i would like to learn more about sliver, like how it is made and all.But the ultimate question is why diamonds cannot be electroplated is it because it is too hard? or is it a substance that can insulate any amount of electricity?

what were the difficulties that i faced during the practical session?

well,everything went quite smoothly for me/the practical session the only thing that went wrong was the results of the experiments but a scientist should always be truthful and not change the results of the experiments even if it is wrong

what have i learnt in the practical session?

i have learnt more about what happens when types of acids are mixed with other types of substances.Also,i have learnt that heating a substance can really change it deep through. But allowing the substance to cool down by itself does not change it much after the heating.PS : i witnessed an element turn into a compound!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

what would i like to learn more about chapter 2.1

i would like to learn more about what are the types of algebra questions that can come out and how to solve them with the simplest steps available.

what are the difficulties that i faced in chapter 2.1

Actually , after my brain got better(which has not recovered fully should be in another 1 week) , i found the topics relatively easier to understand and to do. Especially for chap 2.1 some parts of it were similar to what it did in sec 1. i sure hope that all my upcoming topics would be as easy as this but i know that it is almost impossible.-impossible is nothing ~ Adidas

what have i learnt in chap 2.1?

i have learnt new algebra equations and understand more about algebra now like what it is used for and stuff like that.But the most important part of what i have learnt is that now i know how to solve algebratic math problems more than before.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I still find myself a little dumb when i think of me when i was in kinder garden I did not understand so much about things.But now i can explain them clearly of why things are what they are now.


Yes,initially it was only when my brain bled then i found it a little difficult.But it is slowly recovering now so i thing that it will not be so much of a problem now.

what i feel about them now

well i still like them as much, but i have a better understanding of them now

the downfall of my favorite subject

it was due to my writing disadvantage,by the time i was primary five,problem sum's number became up to over twenty plus.I used to have problems completing the old paper which has only 16 problem sums.that was how my maths deteriorated during that time. But i managed to complete the paper during the end of year exams and scored a total score of 87.

why was math my second favorite subject since kinder garden

i found math very simple from the begining of when I started to learn this subject during kinder garden i was always the 1st of the class for maths and i decided to focus only on maths and not on other subjects.This was one of the most regretful decisions in my life,but this was also how i found my most hated subects.

How i started to have a liking for science.

well , I must say , even i don't know when.Because, when i was young, (around kinder garden as far as i remember) I was very fascinated by all the things happening around me at that time,i still did not know that it was called science. Examples of things that facinated me why does steam come out from the kettle? why are bubbles round? so on and so forth.